This document has been prepared by One Housing and its partner Argent, and sets out an initial response to the ‘Kingsbridge Estate Residents’ Expectations’ document of 26 September 2016.
It was published in January 2017 and drop in sessions were held on Tuesdays and Thursdays throughort February 2017 between 9am and 5pm; and on Mondays between 9am and 7.30pm throughout March at
the TRA office in 4 Montrose House.
The document responds to 24 questions that residents of the Kingsbridge Estate raised if the option to redevelop the Estate were to go ahead.
One Housing recognise that there will be ongoing discussion with residents about the points addressed in this document.
The residents had a meeting to dscuss the document with the Independent Resident Advisor Mike Tyrrell on Tuesday 14th February 2017. A copy of the minutes from that meeting can be found
There will be a further follow up meeting at Montrose House on Tuesday 11 April 2017 between 6 and 8pm.
If you have any issue or concerns regarding the document, please do not hesitate to contact our Independent Residents Advisor Mike Tyrrell. He can be contacted at